Pointful Education

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CTE & Elective Courses With Pointful Education

Pointful Education provides students with the skills and certifications necessary to accomplish their goals and join the career field of their choice. Our online curriculum and digital education solutions provide job-specific knowledge required for industry certifications.

For more information about our certification preparation programs for your students’ CTE classes and courses, contact Pointful Education today!

Female student with a laptop taking notes

What is a CTE Class?

Our CTE classes give students the opportunity to prepare for their exams with our high-quality courseware. With online and blended learning solutions, we provide middle and high school students with job-specific knowledge necessary to obtain industry certifications. Pointful Education helps students feel confident about their fields, equipped to pass their exams, and meet industry standards with each of our CTE courses. 

Each of our CTE courses adds professional skills to your students’ repertoires, helping them stand out in their career fields from an early age. Make exam season as simple as possible with helpful resources created by our experts.

Customized CTE & Elective Courses

Pointful Education’s CTE Courseware and Certification Prep Courses provide students with unique opportunities to learn, focus, and achieve. Our goal is to guide students toward a career path through online learning experiences in a blended or completely virtual environment. Courses are innovative and packed with engaging content, interactives, videos, graphics, discussion boards, activities, and projects.

Through our high-quality instructional design, our CTE & elective courses offer cutting-edge opportunities for students to explore career-focused learning paths and prepare for industry-based certification exams. For students that need remediation, our courseware is a great fit to ensure students cover state academic and national CTE standards while aligning to the learning objectives of applicable certification exams.

Teenage classmates standing in high school hallway

Choosing the Right Career Technical Education to Incorporate in Your Classroom

We provide schools with high-quality resources to prepare students for their future occupations with career-focused courses. At Pointful Education, we help students learn with engaging, relevant content that prepares them for the field of their choice with blended and online learning content. Whether your students are learning in-person or remotely, we provide the courses and preparation necessary for the success of their career technical education. 

Contact Pointful Education today to learn more about implementing our CTE & elective courses with your students.