Pointful Education

Teenagers sitting at a bench looking at their smart phones.

Anywhere, Anytime Classroom

“In an anywhere, anytime world, choose wisely and never stop learning, growing, and sharing with others.”

Three years ago, the dedication of our book, Creating the Anywhere, Anytime Classroom noted above, was directed toward our children. At the time of its release, only a handful of teachers were dabbling in connecting to learning online. However, once the pandemic hit, all teachers were pushed into the sea of online learning. and the concept of virtual learning has become the standard in the post-pandemic education world. With the world standing on a shore looking at a sea of possibilities imagining what post-pandemic industries will look like educators are building their boats and headed out to find new shores without much of an option to pause in their journey. It did not surprise me when this book sold out in June of 2020 and I am humbled and grateful that its content was able to support educators across the United States.

One of the benefits of my role as CAO at Pointful Education is that I have the privilege to see educators across the US and internationally implementing strategies to serve students from all walks of life. From large cities to small towns whether within the US or across the seas blended learning, digital learning and synchronous learning are coming to the forefront of education. Embracing change is not a choice but a necessity and the educators at the forefront are solving, strategizing, and innovating. CTE, like other subject areas, is being forced into redefinitions and redesigns. Digital content is no longer an either/or online vs brick-and-mortar boxed solution but a spectrum of possibilities and opportunities. Schools are using Pointful Education content to streamline the learning experience. Whether students are in school today and online tomorrow or in-person part of the day and home the rest, digital content is proving to support the continuity of learning necessary to ensure that they are receiving a continuous learning experience. In addition, having a pre-packaged curriculum is supporting teachers in their ability to focus on offering flexibility in teaching and communication without the overwhelming additional responsibility of creating online content.

When the sun comes out and the rain stops from this pandemic, education will be re-defined, and I am proud that Pointful Education is proving to be a solution to create the continuity of learning needed during this transition.