Pointful Education

Counting coins

Financial Literacy Courses From Pointful Education

Financial literacy courses at Pointful Education provide your students with the knowledge and skills necessary to manage, save, and invest money in a rapidly changing world. Alongside traditional core curriculum, we believe financial literacy is integral to your student's future aspirations, regardless of their chosen career path. We provide the online education necessary to prepare young adults for the challenges of adulthood with engaging, easy-to-understand courses that emphasize the importance of money management, even at a young age.

Contact Pointful Education today to explore our financial literacy courses for your students' future success and well-being.

What is Financial Literacy?

Financial literacy equips students with the tools they need to make wise decisions with money, including:

  • Budgeting Apps 
  • Managing Debt & Credit
  • Investing

Our digital education services empower the next generation to take control of their finances and make smart decisions for themselves and their families. Pointful Education provides every resource necessary to help students spend their money wisely, avoid credit card debts, utilize financial technology tools, and plan for the future.

Available Financial Literacy Courses

Career & Financial Management

Intuit Personal Finance

Personal Finance

Students learning about technology

Personal Financial Management Skills Made For Students

Personal financial management skills are integral to the safety and security of your students, and Pointful Education is here to guide them as they prepare to earn, save, and invest their money. Taking personal responsibility for their finances is important, and our team is here to support educators in preparing them for their lives after graduation.

Happy students standing outside school building

Invest in the Future of Your Students With Financial Literacy Courses

We prepare students for financial success in a complex and technology-filled world with simple, accessible material to inform their spending habits. With our Personal Finance and Careers & Financial Management CTE courses, students will examine topics that will impact their financial future and ultimately help them be better prepared to navigate the complexities of a global economy. Join Pointful Education in preparing middle and high school students with the tools, knowledge, and skills necessary to make the most of their finances.